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Autumn is Finally Here!

This is my very first blog post!

Here in Grand Rapids, Autumn is finally here. The air is cool and refreshing and the leaves on the trees are so colorful. It amazes me every year how each tree changes at different times and with different colors. I get so distracted (in a good way!) at how beautiful it is outside.

I have been taking lots of photographs and have many waiting for me to start painting and drawing them. Even though I am so busy with my other jobs outside the studio, I am excited and willing to start some new projects. I want to make a whole series of Autumnal themed paintings, drawings and prints this year.

Here is a photograph that I will be using as a reference for my new painting. I just love the yellow and oranges leaves.

I encourage all of you to really look at the trees this season. You will be amazed at all the colors you see. I noticed some the trees even have some silver spots which I guess I have never noticed before.

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